But a girl starting out in life might well say to herself: 'Is this it? You worked hard and denied yourself things and what you got at the end was hard work and self-denial?

Terry Pratchett
Some Similar Quotes
  1. And oh, how she pitched herself into things. She would draw pictures all day long for weeks on end, then throw out the pencils and never draw another thing. Then it was embroidery with her, she had to learn it, and she'd make the most... - Anne Rice

  2. My whole world started to tilt. I could feel it, sliding ever so slightly off center. - Leslie Deaton

  3. I knew the woodsy fragrance that accompanied Reed was his natural scent. It was one of the many things that made him hard to resist. - Cherie Colyer

  4. I know some words floated through my ears, but my mind refused to absorb their meaning. I just shook my head slowly as the wall of pain washed over me, leaving me submerged and broken in the flood. - Leslie Deaton

  5. Your average witch is not, by nature, a social animal as far as other witches are concerned. There's a conflict of dominant personalities. There's a group of ringleaders without a ring. There's the basic unwritten rule of witchcraft, which is 'Don't do what you will,... - Terry Pratchett

More Quotes By Terry Pratchett
  1. And what would humans be without love?" R A R E, said Death.

  2. It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.

  3. If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.

  4. Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom.

  5. I meant, " said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" Death thought about it. C A T S, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

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